
The Care Certificate is an identified set of standards for Health Care Assistants, Assistant Practitioners, Care Support Workers and those giving support to clinical roles in the NHS where there is any direct contact with patients. Designed for persons new into care, with the non-regulated workforce in mind, the Care Certificate gives everyone the confidence that workers have the same introductory skills, knowledge and behaviours to provide compassionate, safe and high-quality care and support.

The Care Certificate is based on 15 standards, all of which individuals need to complete in full before they can be awarded their certificate: All standards are included with this course

  • Understand your role
  • Secure your financial future with AvadaYour personal development
  • Duty of care
  • Equality and diversity
  • Work in a person-centred way
  • Communication
  • Privacy and dignity
  • Fluids and nutrition
  • Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disability
  • Safeguarding adults
  • Safeguarding Children
  • Basic Life Support
  • Health and Safety
  • Handling information
  • Infection prevention and control

According to Skills  for Care 2022

‘’The Care Certificate is an identified set of standards that health and social care workers adhere to in their daily working life. Designed with the non-regulated workforce 1 in mind, the Care Certificate gives everyone the confidence that these workers have the same introductory skills, knowledge and behaviours to provide compassionate, safe and high quality care and support. Regulated staff (e.g. Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists) gain similar skills and knowledge within their professional training so they do not need to also achieve the Care Certificate.’’

On successful completion of the course, you will be able to:

The Care Certificate is aimed at equipping health and social care support workers, including healthcare assistants, assistant practitioners, and nursing associates with the knowledge and skills which they need to provide safe and compassionate care. This Care Certificate course is designed so that managers and team leaders can easily track that staff are trained in a consistent way, to the highest standard and provide evidence that they have understood and learned what is expected of them.

    • Equip workers with the fundamental skills they need to provide quality care
    • Cover what is required to be caring
    • Provide a basis from which staff can further develop knowledge and skills
    • Understand more about daily job roles and skills
    • Support to Develop and enhance knowledge and competency

We take pride in the following values

Fully participate in a safe, supportive and inclusive educational environment that stimulates and challenges pupils to be active participants in their learning


To maintain a positive atmosphere.


To attain independent and collective learning.


Equality, diversity and inclusivity.


Strive to accomplish aspirations.